
Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Australia was not always in the location and shape it is recognisedtoday. Millions of years ago, it was part of the the great land mass called Gondwanaland. Later on, the continent of Australia began to drift away from this great land mass and around the Mesozoic era, dinosaurs roamed the land. After the death of dinosaurs, mammals began to dominate and the first signs of mankind can be traced back with the "First Australians", the Aboriginal people.

Gondwanaland - The continent of Australia was once part of the greater land mass called Gondwanaland, when todays seven cont
inents were connected to form two continents; the other being Laurasia.

Dinosaurs - During the dinosaur era, the Rhoetosaurus was known to live in Australia although no skeleton of a dinosaur has been found.

This is our land. It goes back, a long way back, into the Dreamtime, into the land of our Dreaming. We made our camp here, and now all that is left of our presence are the ashes and the bones of the dead animals the young men had killed. Soon even our footprints will be carried away by the wind.

Aboriginals were the real founders of Australia because they came to this land thousands of years before white people discovered it. In 1988 white Australians celebrated 200 years of white settlement in this country. But Aboriginals have been here for at least 40,000 years. When white people came to Australia, they came to a land that already belonged to the Aboriginals. No one knows exactly where the Aboriginals lived before they came to Australia. It is known that Aboriginals came from somewhere in South-East Asia and that they left their homes and traveled to Australia in canoes or on rafts. Australian aboriginal culture is the oldest living culture in the world – at least 40,000 years old.

There has existed over 250 Aboriginal languages in Australia with many dialects spoken.

My team is going to talk about Ireland, my topic is about sport and food in this country.
When it comes to sports in Ireland, we must to talk about soccer. This sport is the most played in this aerea but the sporting activities with the hicghest level of playing participation are gaelic football, swimming, golf, aerobics and even soccer.
but in recently years ice hockey has seen an increase in popularity. even many others sports are increasing and they are also played like basketball, cricket, horse racing and fishing as though other s more.
Gaelic games are also popular in nothern ireland, it contemplates three differents sports, and they are gaelic football, it´s a soft of football but you use sour hands instead your foots and the number of the players is different, in gaelic football plays 15 players and no 11 as the football does, recently this game is one of the most popular spectator sport besides the hurling and handball which are others galic sports the first, Hurling, is the national game of Ireland. The game has prehistoric origins, has been played for at least 3,000 years. it´s played with a stick called hurleys and a ball, sliota, and it´s played as the hockey does, but in a field. and the last of the three gaelic sports is the handle ball wich is played like squash, The game may be played with two (singles) or four players (doubles) and the players hit the ball with a hand or fist against a wall in such a way as to make a shot the opposition cannot return. All this gaelic games are organised by Gaelic athletic association (GGA) which headquarter is located at the 82,500 capacity Croke park in north Dublin.


France (officially the French Republic) is the largest country in the European Union, stretching from the North Sea to the Mediterranean. The landscape is diverse, with mountains in the east and south, including the Alpine peak of Mont Blanc (4810 m) which is western Europe´s highest point. Lowland France consist of four rivers basins, the Seine in the north, the Loire and the Garonne Flowing westwards and the Rhone, which flows from Lake Geneva to the Mediterranean Sea.

France´s capital and the largest city is Paris with a population of 64,057,792 people.
France´s currency is the euro. It toal area is 555 000 km2 and it have 64.3 million of population with a birth rate of 12.4/1000, infant mortality rate 3.3/1000 and life expectancy of 81.1 years. The official language is French and it is the most visited country in the world, receiving 82 million foreign tourist annually.

France has a political system republican and the President (currenly Nicolas Sarkozy) has an important political role. He chairs the meetings of the Council of Ministers (cabinet), and retain overall responsability in key areas of foreing affairs and defense. The day-to-day running of the country is in the hands of the primer minister (Francois Fillon). The president is elected by direct popular vote for a period of five years. The parliament consist on a National Assembly, directly elected every five years, and a Senate whose members are chosen by lectoral college.

The Eiffel Tower is one of France´s national landmarks. At 1,050 feet tall, it is also one of the world´s most recognizable structures.

Over the past 500 years, France has been a major power with strong cultural, economic, military and political influence in Europe and oround the world. During the 17th and 18th centuries, France colonized great parts of North AMerica and Southeast Asia, and many Caribbean and Pacific Island.

France has produced some continent´s most influential writers and thinkers fron Decartes and Pascal in the century 17th, to Rousseau and Voltaire in the 18th, Balzac, Baudelaire and Flaubert in the 19th and Sartre and Camus in the 20th. In the last two centuries it has given the art world the works of Renoir, Monet, Cezanne, Gauguin, Matisse and Braque, to name but a few.

French cuisine is one of the finest in Europe, cooking and eating are part of French Culture and lifestyle.

Indian cusine

The indian cuisine consists of various Indian spices, herbs, vegetables and fruit.

Hindu beliefs and culture have played an influential role in the evolution of Indian cuisine.

Cuisine differs across India's diverse regions as a result of variation in local cultures, geographical locations, and economics. Indian cuisine also varies seasonally, depending on what fruits and vegetables are ripe.


The Indian sweets, known as mithai, are a type of confectionery. Many are made with sugar, milk and condensed milk, and cooked by frying. The bases of the sweets and other ingredients vary by region. In the Eastern part of India, for example, milk is a staple, and most sweets from this region are based on milk products.

Barfi is a sweet made of dried milk with ground cashews or pistachios. It is customary to attach a thin layer of edible silver foil as decoration.

Chikki a simple sweet made out of peanuts and molasses.

Gulab jamun is an Indian dessert made out of fried milk balls soaked in sweet syrup.

Jalebi is made by deep-frying flour in a circular (coil-like) shape and then dipping in sugar syrup. Imarti is a variant of Jalebi, with a different flour mixture, and has a more coiled texture. Typically Jalebi is brown or yellow, while Imarti is reddish in color. Often taken with milk, tea or even yogurt (or Lassi)

Khaja is a sweet food of Orissa and Bihar states in India. Refined wheat flour, sugar and oils are the ingredients.

At first, a paste is made out of wheat flour, mawa and oil. It is then deep fried until crisp. Then a sugar syrup is made, which is known as "pak". The crisp croissants are then soaked in the sugar syrup until they absorb the sugar syrup. In Kakinada Khaja, it is made dry outside and full of sugar syrup inside, and is juicy.

Kulfi is ice-cream, where the sweetened milk/cream is frozen in small metal cans to be served frozen. Usually it has a milky appearance, but additional colors may be applied for display. A summer-time favorite in most of India, especially in the northern India. It comes in a variety of flavors such as mango kesar or cardamom. It is typically sold by street-side hawkers who carry around these frozen cans of kulfi in a big earthen pot and are much awaited by school kids who savor kulfis during school lunch-times.

Kheerr is a sweet rice pudding, usually made from rice and milk. It is also known as "payas", or payasam in South India. It has been a cultural dish throughout the history of India, being usually found at ceremonies, feasts and celebrations. In many parts of India, ancient traditions maintain that a wedding is not fully blessed if payas is not served at the feast during traditional ceremonies like marriage, child birth, etc.