
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Why India?

Why India? That’s a good question. Choosing a foreign country to talk about is an interesting brainstorm because everyone has a different point of view. But, at the end, we chose India because, despite our ignorance of many things about that culture, we saw India as a combination of the best of both worlds.

We mean, India combines a rich, powerful and complex cultural legacy product of a millenarian history that includes various types of religions, and a significant place in the connection between Asia with Europe, but also, India represents an excellent example of the fusion with the Occidental cultures, that derivates of being one of the oldest colonies of the Great Britain.
But it’s not the only reason of what we thought it’s important to talk about India. The Indian economy is one of the called BRIC countries, which are supposed to be the new emergent markets in the future, it’s also the second most populated country in the world, with the plus that being an English-speaking country there’s not a big cultural breakout like the case of China.

India is also a growing centre of entertainment, in the best tradition of the big Broadway musicals and the glamour of Hollywood, Bollywood is today, one of the biggest producers of entertainment on the world, and with great influence on the Oriental countries.
India offers a great economy, a rich and provocative culture, and a political and social environment that leads to the vanguard of the future, that’s why is a good country to talk.


  1. I share your point of view, India has interesting things that we don´t know. I´m looking for more information, and I´m so excited because it´s a country totally different in relation with occidental countries,is another way to see the life.

  2. I share your point of view, India has interesting things that we don´t know. I´m looking for more information, and I´m so excited because it´s a country totally different in relation with occidental countries,is another way to see the life.

  3. I would like to know a litle more about the great culture and how exactly the Occidental Cultures has influenced..

  4. Reading your information I got very interested for knowing more details about India, and how this country is growing so much, and also to know more about its culture.

  5. We always talk about USA, Europe even Australia or China, but Asia is inregrated by another important contries like India.
    Nowadays India become in an important country to improve their economy,entreteinment and turism.
    Is interesting to choose it and promote the curiosities that this beutiful country show us.

  6. a very good reason is that if you wanna publish an article (about engineering), you should be written in english.

  7. I think that India is really a powerful country it have beatiful places to meet and I believe that Taj Mahajal give India more fame around the world, I hope can met it some day.

  8. It's great to learn that all about India, especially it's changed and grown in the last few year.
    Flora Itzel

  9. I do like the research, i think that you made a great work!!!
