
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

¡¡ G'day Everyone.. Australia Is Here !!

Australia is a country in which we can appreciate the relationship between culture, geography, history and economy in a very different way from the other countries of the world.

The UN (United Nations) chose Australia as the second best country to live in because the access to education is high, a high life expectancy in people and the crime in the country is very low.

Australia was a British colony, for this reason it has the same language and form of government and justice. It's a country with an excellente system of education, health and social security; for those reasons it is one of the least insecure countries in the globe.

Because of is historical formation, Australia is a nation of immigrants. This has led her to also become a tolerant multicultural society with complete rejection of racial discrimination, for that reason they enjoy the interaction with foreign people.

As a country being surrounded by water, people are very in touche with the nature and sports, always enjoying the beautiful beaches that offers this island and we definitely can't forget about the kangaroos and koalas, Australia is what they call home.

¡¡ The country of surfing, long summers and multiculturalism.. this is Australia dinky di !!



  1. Hi...
    so Australia is a Nation of inmigrants but, there were some tribes in there before??? what happened to those tribes from the precolonial times????

  2. I like your information I didn´t know anythink about Australia I only Know the great waves for surfing. It´s interesting to know that Australia is one of the least insecure countries in the globe. I would like to know more about Australia!!! Maricarmen

  3. Is interestig to know that Australia is one of the most places to live. Their culture, geography, history, education and economy are so diferent than Mexico wich suggests us that Australia is in another planet.

  4. hello! i think you can add more information about the culture becouse is not clear

  5. This was a very short introduction, it was basically a quick way to introduce Australia, wait for the next post.

