
Sunday, October 9, 2011


We are going to talk about Australia, we have chosen this country because english is the most spoken language there and has an ineresting history although it is well knowing that Australia was one of the last regions around the world wich was discovered.

The fullname of the country is Commonwealth of Autralia and it is located in the Southern Hemisphere surrounded by the Indian and Pacific ocean; and in the continent of Oceania, these facts had leaded to the most of the people to recognize Autralia as the “island-continent” by the way it is considered as the smallest and the lowest-lying human-inhabited continent on the Earth just before Antarctica.
Specifically I will talk about demographics and relevant economics data. In terms of the area, this is the 6th biggest country in the world with 7687000 km2 and 21.5 million people living there until 2010 which places in the number 54 of the world ranking. This country has three dependences, these are:
The Christmas Island, The Cocos Keeling Islands and the Norfolk Island.

Flag the Territory of Christmas Island

Flag Of The Territory of Cocos Keeling Islands

Flag Of The Territory of Norfolk Island
The population density of Australia is three people per square kilometer which places in the world ranking 232nd place. The life expectancy is about 82 years and the population grows 1.06% per year, this is related with the literacy fraction which is of the 99%.
This country is made up of an ethnic mix conformed mostly by white people in a 92%, seven percent from Asia and only the one percent are Aboriginal.

The most spoken language in Autralia is English which represents the 88%, in contrast, the Australian Sign Language is just spoken only in a 0.065%, other important languages are the Italian and Greek but these are not competitors of English; becasuse represent just the 1.5% and 1.2% respectively. This is clearly heritage of the British occupation.


  1. Thank you for the information; I feel Australia has been overlooked as an English speaking country. It is more common to know about the USA, the UK and Canada.

  2. I think the info is so cool because help us to understand why Australia is a great country, full of beautiful people, and with a stable population, that is a important thing to considerate when you are doing urban and social planning. (Ps. I love kangaroos!)

  3. the information its very cool men, this is a facinating country its great you´re talking about it.
